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Kratom King Sweep's Multiple Awards in the Longview New's Journals "Best of East Texas" Annual Contest!

Kratom King, a leading provider of herbal alternative medicine in Longview and Tyler, has recently achieved a significant milestone by winning the prestigious "Best of East Texas" award in three categories: Best Herbal Alternative Medicine, Best Nutrition and Wellness, and Best Customer Service. This esteemed recognition, organized by the Longview News-Journal, highlights the outstanding dedication and excellence Kratom King brings to the communities of Longview and Tyler Texas. The award process involved nominations and votes from customers and the general public, showcasing the overwhelming support and appreciation from the community.

The team at Kratom King is honored and thrilled by this remarkable achievement. "We are incredibly grateful for the support of our customers and the community," said the owners, David & Tenae Shelton. "This recognition is a testament to our commitment to providing top-quality products and exceptional service." Winning in these three categories reflects Kratom King's dedication to promoting health and wellness while maintaining a strong, customer-focused approach.
This accolade not only celebrates their success but also reinforces their reputation as a trusted and valued business in East Texas.

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Kratom King Owner, David K. Shelton, Wins Prestigious Honor as "Top 40 Under Forty" for the ETX View's Magazine Men In Business division!

Winners of ETX View's third annual 40 Under Forty awards have been announced.

After months of anticipation, all 40 winners were unveiled December 20th 2023, during a virtual presentation that premiered on the ETX View, Tyler Morning Telegraph, Longview News-Journal websites and each of their Facebook pages.

Shocked and elated Mr. Shelton received the news and honor of being selected as the Winner for the Men in Business division for the highly coveted "Top 40 Under Forty." I was a bit surprised and definitely humbled as all of my family watched the Winners announced in each division and finally announcing that I won!" Shelton said, "It was all God, the trials and tribulations and the ups and down of owning a chain of stores while raising a young family is a tremendous undertaking, and this definitely affirms that we're doing good business here at Kratom King in Longview and Tyler."

Shelton is quick to redirect any and all glory to God and Jesus Christ, "We know why we do what we do, and the mission God has us on but it's scary, you know? Putting God at the forefront of your business while having so much scrutiny and misinformation around what we do is an added pressure, but if it wasn't for Him, we wouldn't be here!" Shelton says, "This award solidifies young professionals making an impact in our communities locally and throughout Texas, and I am beyond honored to be a finalist, much less a Winner, alongside so many community members I respect and hold in high regard!"

In its third year, the East Texas community has grown to recognize ETX View's 40 Under Forty program as a premier way to honor young professionals in the region.

ETX View created the 40 Under Forty awards program in 2021 with a goal to recognize impactful East Texans who contribute to making the area a special place to live. The nominees are leaders in their fields. In over 40 categories of industry, the awards program aims to honor people from all different careers and walks of life.

The annual program begins with an online nomination phase, where the community can nominate any young professional who has achieved success, given back to East Texas and excelled in their field of expertise before the age of 40. Next is the voting phase, during which readers have the opportunity to vote daily for one of the three finalists in every category.

Lastly, winners are announced then prominently spotlighted in a keepsake publication. The 40 Under Forty magazine was released Friday, Dec. 22. Awards will be hand-delivered to the winners, or they can be picked up at the Tyler Morning Telegraph or Longview News-Journal newspaper offices during business hours.

Shelton says, "If I could give anyone any sort of advice, it would be to take the template of success and make it your own, trailblaze your own path, don't afraid to go after big dreams, and challenge yourself each and every day and be willing to work non-stop to make an impact, not just an impression!"

From the Desk of the Kratom King

From the Desk of the Kratom King

Hello Kratom King Family,
Upon beginning this endeavor, we had a decision to make, be the biggest supplier or be the BEST. After a few short months of opening, we saw an underserved niche in the industry, a higher quality product with the knowledge and passion for Kratom. It was then we decided on being the best instead of the largest and boy, are we glad we DID!

We fully understand that there are suppliers out there in our communities and hundreds of National and International online vendors from which to choose, however, we found no one to have the quality of products that we wanted to offer our customers when it comes to Kratom. Our strains are carefully curated from vendors that are not local and have agreed to exclusive contracts with only us! As you know, Exclusivity is important because you are getting a superior, safe, lab-tested, CONSISTENT product day in and day out. We understand our pricing may be different than some vendors that sell mixed, blended, even adulterated or simply lesser quality products, some of which contain alternative cuts of the leaf, stems and other organic (even non-organic) elements to make a larger profit. Look up Combretum quadrangulare, that is all we will say about that. We simply are not motivated by that approach.

With that being said, our products are not the same as any other Kratom products currently sold in the industry, even with the same name! It is because I named them myself! I tested and named them based on where they grow, how the leaves are dried and the colors for which they come. If you do find a product online with the same name i.e. "Gold Reserve, King Rush," We GUARANTEE that IT IS NOT our product, unless, it is our Kratom King brand and on our OWN website As of now, we do NOT distribute our Kratom to ANY other Suppliers and/or websites! Just keep that in mind.

We focus on the BEST supreme nano-kratom that is refined and lab reported safe with the HIGHEST alkaloid levels possible. We will continue to offer our best to the public with an unmatched in-store buying experience.

We love you; we care about you and appreciate each and every one of you!

Kratom King

Meet David Shelton, the NEW King of Kratom!

The blessed father of two beautiful kids and husband to the Kratom Queen, David Shelton came from humble beginnings. Despite early exposure to the effects drug addiction had on his family and friends, he never imagined his own personal entanglement with drug abuse.

But it happened.

After finishing college, David was poised for a promising career in Business and Entrepreneurship. An unexpected back injury led him to a doctor’s office…a doctor who prescribed narcotics for pain relief. Before long, he was progressively taking more to get relief. “The pills helped, but I felt myself getting sucked into the dark and lonely world of addiction.” In desperation, he decided to take control and get on a stronger narcotic that, ironically, was supposed to help ween people off heavy narcotics. “It didn’t help me. It hurt more than it ever helped, and after months of the maintenance program my body started to revolt. I almost died.”

One fateful day, David reached an epiphany: this was not him, and he was meant to tell his story to help others, not wait for someone else to tell his story as a funeral eulogy. He stopped the prescription narcotic “cold-turkey” (which he does not recommend at all) and eventually found himself – by God’s grace and mercy – clean and sober.

This epiphany also set him on a path to look at natural alternatives. A naturally avid learner, he feverishly began to educate himself about God’s various creations in terms of flora. He remembered Genesis 1:9, where God told Adam, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.” He also investigated other naturopathic and holistic wellness avenues, such as chiropractic and bodybuilding, to achieve overall strength and health. It is during this period of exploration that he learned of the Kratom leaf, which he extensively studied and began ordering online. “Back then, there were only a few underground websites selling this leaf of which they really didn’t know about themselves. The onus was on me to learn. It was a risk, especially in 2008, when there were minimal studies and outdated education.”

For over a decade, David studied, purchased, and experimented with different Kratom strains and Kratom-related products. He also began forming associations and relationships with quality vendors that strictly followed GMP guidelines, and that “treated this natural leaf in the same manner and with the same standards that the industry treats supplements at your local supermarket.” After reviewing the myriad of rumored assumptions and misinformed opinions that had flooded the internet for years, he decided he needed to share his knowledge by standing as a vocal advocate for Kratom. David currently serves as a consultant for the Texas Hemp Growers Association and has spoken to legislators in Austin about the efficacy of Kratom and why it should not be banned or labeled illegal. In early October 2020, he was appointed as District 1 Captain for the Texas Kratom Consumer Council, a legislative advocacy arm of the American Kratom Association. “I feel like Kratom should eventually be into an elevated category of a therapeutic, overall health supplement much like CBD.”

Kratom falls into the Rubiaceae family of plants – the same as your daily fresh cup of coffee – and current studies are finding Kratom useful for overall well-being. “I’ve learned for me the benefits far outweigh alternatives.”

David opened his first Kratom King location in Longview, Texas in September 2019 and his second location in Tyler, Texas only a few short months later. With burgeoning demand for the highest quality Kratom and Kratom products found anywhere, along with his extensive knowledge and five-star-rated personal attention to his customer base, David has already begun to plan for other Kratom King locations around Texas.

“The Kratom plant merits an exclusive platform and deserves to be respected and further researched. My highest desires are to safely educate people and offer superior products.”

From humble beginnings, through struggle, victory, grace, self-education, and success, David Shelton is indeed the NEW King of Kratom.

David Shelton
American Kratom Association - Kratom Consumer Council Captain District 1 -
"Texas Hemp Growers Association" Consultant
Personal Trainer, Nutritional and Alternative Supplement Guru

Kratom King Owner, David K Shelton, is Being Recognized as Top 40 Under 40 for Business in East Texas!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS is in Order for our fearless Owner and Leader of Kratom King, David K. Shelton, as he is now a Finalist in the "Men in Business" category of ETX View Magazine's 2023 "Top 40 Under 40" contest!

Nominations began in September for ETX View's third-annual awards ceremony, 40 Under Forty, which aims to recognize young, influential leaders across East Texas.
ETX View is proud to recognize young professionals who have achieved success and excelled in their field of expertise before the age of 40. ETX View invited East Texans to nominate individuals who demonstrated leadership and who show dedication in their professional careers and in their community service.

David is the Owner and CEO of Kratom King in Longview and Tyler, and he is being recognized along with other leaders due to his generosity and a having a heart to encourage and foster a sense of community in his business, with his Community Involvement and in everyday life. He is a dynamic and talented leader with an honest and straightforward approach to helping people find possible natural solutions! He explains "I have the honor to educate and help folks of all walks of life each and every day about natural alternatives and that's a fun venture that makes it easy to be passionate about!"

Results will be announced December 14th at the Top 40 Under 40 Ceremony! GOOD LUCK David!